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  1. S

    webmasters error

    Often I see errors lately in google webmaster. Here are some with error 404 /cache/lang_cache/2/core_public_login.php /cache/lang_cache/2/core_admin_posts.php /cache/lang_cache/2/core_admin_tools.php /cache/lang_cache/2/forums_admin_forums.php /cache/lang_cache/2/core_admin_logs.php...
  2. S

    Limit text to count as post

    Hi! Does any one knows if there is a module to make this: When a member makes a post and he only writes a few words, I want this post do not measure in his total posts. Make it as does not exist, Few years ago I have something like this but not tested and have lost it. Thanks for any advises...
  3. S

    Last post in postbit

    Is there a way to show last post in postbit area? Actually we see this in admins panel, I can not find code to place it in postbit_legacy something like this <vb:if condition="$post['userid']"> What is for last post? Thanks
  4. S


    Sorry for this thread, (making new forum) if not please delete I have stacked badly and don't remember how? When I point pc mouse in forum it says http://myxxxxxx.com/index.php when I press it redirects fine to http://myxxxxxx.com/forum.php Where to change so when pointing to forum matches...
  5. S

    Moderated threads

    When some categories in forum are in moderated before show new threads... and user make some, they don't realize that threads are in moderate condition, the description that says (your thread must moderated first) does not last enough in time. Is there a way how to make this better. Thanks and...
  6. S

    Code tags in guick reply

    Can some one help me, I want code tags # to show in quick reply, I don't want any mod to do this. Any help I appreciate.
  7. S

    Automatically parse links in text

    Hi!! Because i dont want live urls in forum, is there a way to this "Automatically parse links in text" we see it under creating or editing thread - post. The box is checked by default, if this can change, user who knows how, will check it and then can insert live links of our domain. I...
  8. S

    How make changes to (URL Icon Before Or After Links In Posts)

    [OzzModz] URL Icon Before Or After Links In Posts I want to ask about this mod Lets say that some forums like mine use links with CODE #, and some users forget or don't pay attention to forum rules and post live links all time, in a big text post its not very easy to recognize that links. How...
  9. S

    Open in new page when press on image attatch 2nd time

    Hi! I want to ask as title says, when user press in attached image to see it better, and he press second time it does not open to another page instead in same page (_self) sorry for my English. Thanks