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Need Help - Luvin Forums


New member
Okay, this site is probably going to be a worst case scenario of what not to do or what should not have been done in the past. We had someone who said he was an expert in optimizing images and stuff supposedly do his thing and now checking things out I really think we got ripped off. I have tried to do the changes in Ozzy's thread - speed up your site via .htaccess and get an internal server error when trying the last steps. So will put the .htaccess files back to where they were and go from there.

This is the latest test with what is in the .htaccess files.

View attachment 436

This is the public/html .htaccess:

Options +FollowSymLinks 
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^luvinforums\.com
RewriteRule (.*) http://luvinforums.com/$1 [R=301,L]

This is what the guy has in the /forum .htaccess:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on

# If vbulletin is in a subdirectory, add it here
RewriteBase /forum/

# Retrieve gamedata requests and send to new dbtech locations
RewriteRule ^arcade/gamedata/(.*) dbtech/vbarcade/media/$1 [L]

# Retrieve crossdomain requests and send to new dbtech location
RewriteRule ^crossdomain\.xml dbtech/vbarcade/crossdomain.xml [L]

# Send hardcoded pnf+ipa scores to arcade instead
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} func=storeScore [OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} autocom=arcade [OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} act=Arcade
RewriteRule .* arcade.php [L,QSA]

# Reroute v3arcade liveinstaller
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} do=liveinstall
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} v3arcade_admin\.php

# If you renamed your admincp directory, change it here
RewriteRule .* %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/admincp/arcade_admin.php?%{QUERY_STRING}&do=review&import=browse&system=v3a [L,R=301]

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^((urllist|sitemap).*\.(xml|txt)(\.gz)?)$ vbseo_sitemap/vbseo_getsitemap.php?sitemap=$1 [L]

#Deny attempts to view the Htaccess file.
<Files .htaccess>
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
# BEGIN Browser Caching/Headers
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# End Browser Caching/Headers

<ifModule mod_php4.c>
 php_value zlib.output_compression 16386

I know there is a ton of images that have to be compressed but want to get the htaccess files set up properly first and then will work on the images, other stuff, later on. All suggestions are welcome at this point. Glad I followed the link on vb.org over to your site, looks good.

Thanks in advance! Kyle
Your chatbox is killing your load time - it is causing nearly 500 requests all by itself! Turn it off for a bit while testing, so we can get a decent full pageload on the test browsers. You should strongly consider making it visible only to those who are logged in anyway.

700 server requests and 5 MEGABYTE page load are the big problems you must solve first, before we start dealing with the failing grades for first byte time and keep-alive.

Ironically you are getting passing grades for image compression and progressive JPEGS. I seldom ever see that and that's the last area we need to address to improve slightly after fixing the bloat and the massive amount of calls, first.

I can't get a useful full test on your site until the chatbox is disabled or at least removed from public/not logged in view. I've made four attempts and getting only partially completed tests.
Sorry about that - chat box has been removed from unregistered view. Its one battle I have had with my partner, she wants it showing to unregistered and I don't. Now have ammunition for the next time we battle about this.
Sorry about that - chat box has been removed from unregistered view. Its one battle I have had with my partner, she wants it showing to unregistered and I don't. Now have ammunition for the next time we battle about this.
The battle should be ONLY about - does the chat box increase registrations and if it does, is it worth the terrible load time which is proven to drive people away. Speed is what cuts it on the web, study after study has proven that if a site is slow or hangs, people just hit the X button and leave.

Blocking the chat box from public view removed a whopping 558 server requests, over 4 MEGABYTES of data and sped up this pageload significantly.. Having it there for public view is only about vanity - it accomplishes little else and absolutely, demonstrably, kills performance.

Now we can get to work. You still have 161 requests for over 1 megabyte of pageload. The page is only slightly fat - I like to see them come in between 600-800kb.

WebPagetest Test Result - Dulles : luvinforums.com/forum - 06/03/14 16:57:47

You can see your grades for image compression are fine, and also for caching you're grading well. But as you can see from the waterfall view, the shoutbox JS still loads, and JS is 48% of your total page load. You also have fully 2% of total pageload devoted to custom font file(s). These really are for vanity only, since most browsers ignore the custom fonts, don't display them, but they do download anyway.

This GIF:
Is 100kb all by itself. Do you really need it? I suggest turning it into a progressive JPEG, taking 90kb off of it. You lose the animation doing this, but then again - do you really need it. You are spending 90kb every page load, just to see a little motion.

Ok, addressing the F grade for "Keep Alive" enabled. It is safe to ignore this, as it depends on your workload: If you have a lot of clients requesting several resources during a certain timeframe is is usually better to have keepalive turned on to get rid of the overhead for establishing TCP connections. But if your clients request only a few resources it is better to have keep-alive turned off to free workers immediately. Rule of Thumb:

Keep-Alive off for backend servers
Keep-Alive off for frontend servers
Keep-Alive on for static content servers

Regarding the F grade for first byte time - vBulletin 4 has a bloated database right out of the box, and performs marginally only for FBT. You are failing this test mainly because the "target" first byte time of 123 milliseconds seems unattainable. That's a figure WPT calculates based on location of the test, connection, how much it "thinks" the handshake should last. The target isn't a real world figure and your FBT will vary with load conditions on the server, your own traffic, and so on. But I HAVE found it to be reduced significantly when you reduce the size of the page.

Reducing the size of the page is by far the number one way to increase performance for your site, at this point and in general.

Right now you're not looking too shabby. You have fewer problems than most sites I see. But if you want performance, the shoutbox simply has to go, for public view. That's not even debatable IMO.